
Your Town Your Real Estate Profits

PRICE: $19.95

Product Information:

  • By best selling author and investor Dean Graziosi
  • Learn how to profit from your local real estate
  • No money down techniques included
  • Find killer deals that are 30% to 60% off fair market value
  • Learn how to locate bank owned properties
  • Discover how to get hard money loans and private individuals to invest with your
  • Find out the power of a double close
  • Includes hardback copy of book and digital version
  • Free access to Total View Real Estate software

Customer Service:

  • 1-866-493-0256,

Item Description

Discover how you can profit from the current real estate market in your area with Dean Graziosi’s  new book, Your Town Your Real Estate Profits. It contains techniques and strategies are proven to be effective when it comes to real estate investing.

Dean Graziosi is a real estate investing expertand best selling author who has taught countless individuals how to profit from real estate by showing them how to quickly and easily identify cycles in the real estate market.

Your Town Your Real Estate Profits contains Dean’s best techniques he developed over his 20 years of real investing. It shows you how you can quickly identify and find properties that you can profit from in your local real estate market. It doesn’t matter if you live in a large city or a small town.

Best of all this book includes techniques such hybrid lease options which require little to no money down. Plus there methods that does not require you to have a good credit score in order to pick up properties.

Some of the things your learn from Your Town Your Real Estate Profits includes

  • How to find killer deals before anyone else does that are 30% to 60% off of Fair Market Value.
  • How to use Lease Options and Assignment deals to lock those properties up on paper and pass them off and make a hefty profit in the middle.
  • How to locate banks with too many Bank owned properties (REO’s) and how to make money with them without using a dime of your own money if you don’t want to.
  • How to use the internet to; find deals, find the value of homes in your area, sell your homes and literally make money without leaving your computer room.
  • How to get hard money loans and private individuals to invest with you and be glad to do it.
  • The power of a double close and how it could be your secret weapon for multiple no money down deals.

Order Your Town Your Real Estate Profits today for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling. You’ll get a hardback copy of the book as well as access to a digital downloadable version so you can get started right away.

Plus as a special bonus you’ll also receive free access to the Total View Real Estate software that helps you search and find properties that you an profit from.

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